Hullcar Mountain Fire Evacuation Alert
August 6th, 1930 hours (7:30pm)
The OKIB Emergency Operations Center is issuing an Emergency Evacuation Alert
Hullcar Mountain Fire (K-41796)
Because of the potential danger to life and health, the Okanagan Indian Band has issued an Evacuation Alert for the following homes on Heywood-Armstrong Road:
Including addresses along:
38 Heywood-Armstrong Rd.
41 Heywood-Armstrong Rd.
50 Heywood-Armstrong Rd.
65 Heywood-Armstrong Rd.
2853 Heywood Armstrong Rd
An Evacuation Alert has been issued to prepare you to evacuate your premises or property should it be found necessary. Residents will be given as much advance notice as possible prior to evacuation; however, you may receive limited notice due to changing conditions.
•Locate all family members and designate a meeting area outside the evacuation area, should an Evacuation Order be called while separated.
•Pack essential items such as government-issued ID, medications, eyeglasses, valuable papers (e.g. insurance, credit, and mortgage information), immediate care needs for dependents and, if time and space permits, keepsakes for quick departure.
•Prepare to move disabled persons, children and/or neighbours, if assistance is needed.
•Prepare to take pets with you and move livestock to a safe area (if possible).
•Arrange transportation for all your household members. Fill the gas tanks of personal vehicles.
•Arrange accommodation for all members of the residence, if possible.
•Wait for an Evacuation Order to be issued before evacuating. Monitor OKIB Facebook Page, webpage okib.ca for information on evacuation orders and location of Reception Centre’s.
Please note that the OKIB EOC continues to monitor the Hullcar Mountain Fire.