Commonwealth Road Planning Study Update

Way’ Members, the Lands department has released an update on the Commonwealth Road – Jim Bailey Road planning study with a background on the process so far and what the next steps might look like. Read the full update letter here: Commonwealth Road planning update and Locatee meeting invitation

Invitation to Commonwealth Road – Jim Bailey Road Connection Design Concepts meeting

The City is seeking feedback on these draft concepts to ensure the final functional design meets the needs of OKIB Members, residents and businesses in the area. The City is inviting Duck Lake Locatees to a one-on-one meeting to discuss the Commonwealth Road design concepts between now and February 23.

What to Expect

These meetings will be scheduled for roughly one hour and can be held virtually or at a location that works best for you. A few members of the project team will be in attendance and will provide background information and an update on the project, followed by a discussion about the intersection and road concepts.

The City of Kelowna has hired Urban Systems Ltd. to help facilitate the meetings and complete the study. Representatives from the City of Kelowna will also be in attendance.

If you are interested in meeting with the Commonwealth Road Functional Planning Study team, please email [email protected] or call 778-738-4097.

Other ways to get involved

If you aren’t able to participate in a meeting, there are other ways to give feedback on the concepts.

•Participate in the OKIB Duck Lake Membership Forum

Date: Monday, February 3

Time: 4 to 8 pm

Location: Lake Country Fire Hall (11063 Okanagan Centre Rd E, Lake Country)

Attend the public Open House

Date: Thursday, February 6

Time: 4 to 7 pm

Location: Lake Country Fire Hall (11063 Okanagan Centre Rd E, Lake Country)

Take the online survey between January 29 and February 23.

More information about the project can be found by visiting The online survey and details about the engagement opportunities will be added on Wednesday, January 29.